Saturday, November 28, 2009

Jaaga paint this Sunday, 29th Nov, 2009, 12.30 - 6.30 pm

Hello everyone! Looks like we are going to have an exciting paint. So far, we have 6 confirmed 'groups' for whom I've reserved 6 panels, 1 more is a little undecided. So, we have 3 panels left for anybody interested.

Just so you know, each panel is ROUGHLY 1.5 feet in width and 2.5 feet in length.

Now for those of you who are coming and painting, please go through this post and bring along materials.

We only have enough paint for one or two panels, so please take 30 mins out tomorrow to stop by ANY hardware store and pick up stainers [the more colours the better], paintbrushes [the more sizes the better, especially the thinner ones] and whatever else you think you will need or want to bring along.

We advise you to come in 'paint' clothes with one bottle of water, some paper, some pencils, a couple of pieces of rag cloth, and a BIG smile.


Directions: The address is, Jaaga Creative Commons, opp Karnataka Hockey stadium, Rhenius Street, near Nanjappa circle, Richmond town. It's on the same road as the TV 9 office and Foodworld in case you were wondering which entrance to the hockey stadium. And it's adjacent to Raintree Apartments. :)

Hope to see you THERE!

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